Opportunistic self-organization of pervasive and mobile systems has become critical for improving the Quality-of-Service (QoS) and Quality-of-Experience (QoE) of applications. By detecting the context for harnessing collaborative and opportunistic resources in proximity, it is possible to reduce the cost of executing tasks in the constrained resources of smart devices, and to diffuse the presence of smart devices beyond their existing computing isolated behavior.
The goal of PerCrowd 2018 is to explore the impact of context in collaborative and opportunistic computing. More in detail, The goal of this workshop is to explore the use and effect of contexts on multi-device settings, whose computational behavior can be propagated within the community for optimizing their energy and performance.
Original papers addressing theoretical, practical, and technical aspects of opportunistic and collaborative self-organization of devices are solicited. Papers describing prototype implementations and deployment of such applications and systems are particularly welcome. The submission of informative surveys of the state of the art as well as position papers on controversial issues is also encouraged. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Context-aware collaborative systems and applications
- Resource extension of pervasive and mobile applications
- Opportunistic context modeling
- Pervasive computing applications harnessing multiple devices
- Data-driven techniques for community formation
- Self-organizing community construction and evolution
- Crowdsensing and crowdsourcing models for data acquisition and fusion
- Applications of crowdsensed models, e.g., incentive models, decision making models, and privacy models.
- Infrastructure, architectures, and platforms for collaborative systems
- Lessons and experiences of evaluating multi device context-aware systems and applications
- Emerging applications for multi device environments.
Papers should contain original material and not be previously published or currently under consideration elsewhere. Manuscripts must be limited to 6 pages in IEEE 8.5x11 conference format, and formatted in accordance with the IEEE Computer Society author guidelines.
Accepted papers will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press in the combined PerCom 2018 Workshop Proceedings and will appear on IEEE Xplore. At least one author of each accepted paper must register and attend the workshop to present the paper. There is no workshop-only registration. An oral presentation at the workshop is strictly required. Failure to present the paper at the workshop will result in the withdrawal of the paper from the Proceedings as well as from the IEEE Xplore.
Important Dates
Abstract Registration: October 21, 2017
Submission Deadline: October 29, 2017
Submission Deadline: October 29, 2017
Acceptance Notification: December 23, 2017
Camera Ready due: January 12, 2018
Workshop: March 19